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Kamis, 28 Februari 2013
School Master's Scholarships (6) University of Edinburgh -School of History, Classics and Archaeology
The School is pleased to invite applications from outstanding
candidates for six Master’s Scholarships for 2013-2014 entry. These
six awards will cover tuition fees (at the applicable Home/EU or
Overseas rate) and a total stipend of £5,000, payable in equal monthly
Applicants for these awards must have a study application in process.
Master’s scholarships are open to all applicants for the School’s
MSc degrees in History, Classics and Archaeology, whether ‘taught’ or
‘research’, and including part-time applicants and applicants for
Master’s degrees by Distance Learning.
Successful applicants are likely to hold or be on course to
achieve a UK first class honours undergraduate degree (or overseas
equivalent) in a relevant field.
Successful applicants are also likely to demonstrate that their
plans for the Master’s are part of a programme of study leading to a
Information on these awards is also available at:
For further details of MSc degrees in the School please follow the link below:
MSc Degrees in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application
before the application deadline.
Please note that you will not be able to access the online application
form unless you have applied for admission to the University of
Edinburgh and have full EASE authentication.
Deadline: 5 March 2013
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application as
soon as possible after the deadline.
Information on other Masters Awards
See http://www.ed.ac.uk/schools-departments/history-classics-archaeology/graduate-school/applying/funding/masters
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